2023-03-15 14:48:59 閱讀(1429)
1. Passper for Word
Passper for Word是一款專業(yè)的密碼破解軟件,可以幫助您在幾分鐘內(nèi)破解任何Word文檔的保護(hù)密碼。使用該軟件,無需專業(yè)知識(shí)也可以破解成功。
(1)下載Passper for Word并安裝。
2. iSumsoft Word Password Refixer
iSumsoft Word Password Refixer是另一款專業(yè)的密碼破解軟件,適用于破解Word 97-2019版本。使用該軟件可以快速破解密碼,同時(shí)保證數(shù)據(jù)安全。
(1)下載iSumsoft Word Password Refixer并安裝。
(1) 打開需要破解的Word文檔,按下“Alt+F11”快捷鍵進(jìn)入VBA編輯器。
(2) 選擇“插入-模塊”,打開新建模塊窗口。
(3) 復(fù)制以下代碼:
Sub PasswordBreaker()
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer
Dim l As Integer, m As Integer, n As Integer
Dim s As Integer, t As Integer, u As Integer
Dim v As Integer, w As Integer, x As Integer
Dim y As Integer, z As Integer, aa As Integer
Dim bb As Integer, cc As Integer, dd As Integer
Dim ee As Integer, ff As Integer, gg As Integer
Dim hh As Integer, ii As Integer, jj As Integer
Dim kk As Integer, ll As Integer, mm As Integer
Dim nCRC As Long
Dim sA As String, sB As String
Dim sC As String, sD As String
Dim sE As String, sF As String
Dim sG As String, sH As String
Dim sI As String, sJ As String
Dim sK As String, sL As String
Dim sM As String, sN As String
Dim sO As String, sP As String
Dim sQ As String, sR As String
Dim sS As String, sT As String
Dim uCRC As Long
Dim sWord As String, sPath As String, sFile As String
Dim iWordLen As Integer, iFileNum As Integer
Dim iPos As Integer, iLen As Integer, iLen1 As Integer
On Error Resume Next
For i = 65 To 90: For j = 65 To 90: For k = 65 To 90
For l = 65 To 90: For m = 65 To 90: For n = 65 To 90
For s = 97 To 122: For t = 97 To 122: For u = 97 To 122
For v = 97 To 122: For w = 97 To 122: For x = 97 To 122
For y = 48 To 57: For z = 48 To 57: For aa = 48 To 57
For bb = 48 To 57: For cc = 48 To 57: For dd = 48 To 57
For ee = 33 To 47: For ff = 33 To 47: For gg = 33 To 47
For hh = 58 To 64: For ii = 58 To 64: For jj = 58 To 64
For kk = 91 To 96: For ll = 91 To 96: For mm = 91 To 96
sWord = Chr(i) & Chr(j) & Chr(k) & Chr(l) & Chr(m) & Chr(n) _
& Chr(s) & Chr(t) & Chr(u) & Chr(v) & Chr(w) & Chr(x) _
& Chr(y) & Chr(z) & Chr(aa) & Chr(bb) & Chr(cc) & Chr(dd) _
& Chr(ee) & Chr(ff) & Chr(gg) & Chr(hh) & Chr(ii) & Chr(jj) _
& Chr(kk) & Chr(ll) & Chr(mm)
iWordLen = Len(sWord)
sPath = ""
sFile = ""
iLen1 = InStrRev(ActiveDocument.FullName, "\")
If iLen1 > 0 Then
sPath = Left(ActiveDocument.FullName, iLen1 - 1)
sFile = Mid(ActiveDocument.FullName, iLen1 + 1)
End If
iFileNum = FreeFile
Open sPath & "\" & sFile & ".tmp" For Binary Access Write As #iFileNum
Put #iFileNum, , ActiveDocument.Range.Text
Close #iFileNum
nCRC = 0
For iPos = 1 To iWordLen
iCRC = iCRC Xor Asc(Mid(sWord, iPos, 1))
For iLen = 8 To 1 Step -1
nCRC = iCRC And 1
iCRC = iCRC \ 2
If nCRC <> 0 Then iCRC = iCRC Xor CRC_POLY
iFileNum = FreeFile
Open sPath & "\" & sFile & ".tmp" For Binary Access Read As #iFileNum
iLen1 = LOF(iFileNum)
sA = Space(iLen1)
Get #iFileNum, , sA
Close #iFileNum
For iPos = 1 To iLen1 Step 4
sB = Mid(sA, iPos, 1)
sC = ""
For iLen = 2 To 4
If iPos + iLen < iLen1 Then
sC = sC & Mid(sA, iPos + iLen - 1, 1)
sC = sC & Chr(0)
End If
uCRC = Asc(sC) * &H10000 + Asc(Mid(sA, iPos + 1, 1)) _
+ (Asc(Mid(sA, iPos + 2, 1)) * &H100) + Asc(Mid(sA, iPos + 3, 1))
For iLen = 1 To 4
iCRC = iCRC Xor (uCRC And &HFF)
For i = 8 To 1 Step -1
If (iCRC And 1) = 0 Then
iCRC = iCRC \ 2
iCRC = (iCRC \ 2) Xor CRC_POLY
End If
uCRC = uCRC \ &H100
Kill sPath & "\" & sFile & ".tmp"
If iCRC = nCRC Then
MsgBox "密碼為:" & sWord
Exit Sub
End If
Next: Next: Next
Next: Next: Next
Next: Next: Next
Next: Next: Next
End Sub
1. 利用備份文件
2. 利用XML編輯器
3. 利用第三方軟件解密
您可以使用第三方軟件,如Advanced Office Password Recovery或Office Password Recovery來解密Word文檔,以便您可以打開和編輯該文檔。這些工具很強(qiáng)大,可以破解大多數(shù)保護(hù)措施,但也需要付費(fèi)。